Serving Hamilton, Oakville, Burlington and Southern Ontario
1-866-875-6664Click on a photo to enlarge.
Yasmine has a home in Dundas, ON that needed a new sump pump system. Omni Basement Systems installed the incredible SuperSuump. The Supersump features a Zoeller cast-iron pump, a water watch alarm, an airtight lid and an Iceguard to prevent frozen discharge lines.
John in Hamilton, ON has a block foundation that was leaking.
Omni basement systems installed their patented Waterguard system along with half height Delts MS membrane and a SuperSump sump pump system.
Sean had the old builder grade window wells and wanted to u[upgrade to something nicer for his basement. Sean hired Omni Basement Systems to add their very own Sunhouse window wells. Not only are they nicer looking but they let in a generous amount of light into the basement.
Our Customer needed an intior waterproofing system installed in his Hamilton home.
Omni Basement Systems installed thier patented internal drainage system along with a SuperSump sump pump system.
Scott has a house in Hamilton, on that is pured concrete. Just like all of his neighbors, Scott has a crack in the foundation that is leaking.
Keith recommended the Flexispan wall crack repair. Flexispan will stay flexible for the life of the home so that it will never leak. Just to make sure there is never any water on the floor from the repair, the floor is opened up and the repair products are drained down under the floor.
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