Three level aprtment building with settlement issues.
The far back corner of this building has sunken a little from soil under the footing being washed away.

Step cracking
The biggest indication of settlement is step cracking in the blocks or brick façade.

Step cracking in brick facade
Another indication of settlement.

288 Push Piers
Here a push pier system is mounted to the foundation and the piers are driven into the soil until bedrock is reached.

350 Push Peir
Here a 350 push pier is installed under the footing and driven down to bedrock. In this location, the bedrock is between 15' and 30' below the footing.

Monitored pressures.
The pressure on the piers are continually monitored so the workers knows when the pier reached bedrock.

Lift cylinders
Once the the piers reach the desired pressure, they are left for some period of time and then checked again. IF the pressure falls off, that means that they have a false reading and they will push again. The re lift cylinder can be attached now and connected to other priers and the building is now able to be lifted.

CApped off piers
Once the building is lifted into position, the piers are capped off so that they can't fail.

Diagram of piers
Engineered drawings of the piers

Interior peris
Some piers were installed in the laundry room of building.

Mortar joints closing
Tape is installed over mortar joints to see just how much lift is achieved.

Floor re-concreted
Where the interior piers are installed, the floor is restored.

Drywall crack closed up.
Again tape is used over a drywall crack to see how much to lift the building back to position.