Floor is opened
The concrete floor is opened up to accept the footing for the PowerBraceds. To make sure the bottom of the power braces are secure, Omni makes an 18" x 18" footing.

Footing for SmartJack XT
The footing for the SmartJack Xt is 2' x2' x2' cube. this will distribute the weight throughout the the entire footing.

PowerBraces are attached
After the footing is in place, the qorkers can attach the PowerBrace beam.

Omni hs to also include waterproofing at the same time. Waterguard is placed in the trench in front of the Powerbrace.

SmartJack is installed
After the footing is ready, the SmartJack is installed under eh main beam.

Lever Bracket
In situations that the Joists are parallel to the wall, a lever bracket is used.

Bridge bracket
When joists are perpendicular to the wall a bridge bracket is used.

Support the main beam
A custom top plate was used to spread the weight over the main beam.

Concrete is restored.
after the wall is secure, the beam is support and the basement is waterproofed, the floor can be re-concreted back again.