Original system
The original system before we replaced it with the Triplesafe.

Original pump
These are ok pumps, however, the liner is not sized for the 2 pumps and with only a single discharge, they cannot expel enough water.

Single discharge
This single discharge goes to a storm drain. IF the 2 pumps come on at the same time, the 1 1/2 pipe cannot handle much more than a single pump.

Old liner removed
The old liner is removed and the hole is enlarged to accept the larger Triplesafe liner.

Liner is installed
The new liner is installed and the pumps are starting to be put in place. The Cleanpump stand at the bottom will keep the propellers clean should dirt wash in.

Fully installed
THe finished sump system is installed and the floor is re-concreted

Second dischage line
A second discharge is added and "Y"d into a larger pipe that can handled the amount of water coming from 2 pumps.

Flagstone put back
The flagstone around the discharge is replaced with a large cut out for the second discharge.