Customer house
This house has a concrete foundation that had cracks that were leaking. Now it is a dry basement.
Wall crack
There are multiple cracks in the foundation that are leaking.
Corner leaking
Another area that is leaking
Floor runners
Omni always protect the floor with runners
This trench will accept the drain tile that will carry the water to the sump.
Our patented Iceguard is installed with the discharge line.
Carbon fiber
Carbon fiber strips are epoxied over the one crack that has opened up a lot. This will add support to the wall.
Zoeller M98
A 1/2hp Zoeller cast-iron pump is added tot eh existing pit. This is a huge upgrade. The M98 is capable of pump 3400 GPH
Delta MS
The wall membrane, Delta MS is attached to the wall .
Floor is restored
The drainage system is in place and the wall membrane is attached so the floor can be re-concreted.