That nasty cleanout in Kitchener floors. when the water table rises, water can come out.
Old sump pump
Open pit with undersized pump.
Drainage pipe
Here a drainage pipe is added to the cleanout
Drainage pipe added to sump
The pipe from the cleanout is addeed to the new sump system.
Water under the floor
This is a good indication of how high the water is under the floor. When the spring rains come, this water table will get higher.
Sump liner installed
a hole is opened in the floor and the old sump is removed and the new system is installed along with a trench from the cleanout.
Zoeller M53 pump
The liner is in place and a Zoeller M53 sump pump is installed along with a new discharge line.
LId and floor re-concreted
A lid is made from non-organic material to seal the cleanout and the floor is re-concreted back to original height.
SuperSump installed.
The SuperSump is installed with the airtight lid and new discharge line