This basement was finished and Omni removed 4 feet of drywall and the lower part of the studs.
signs that your block walls are leaking is efflorescence on the walls
Staining on the lower blocks
Trench is opened
A trench is opened at the bottom of the wall for the drainage system.
Trench is cleaned
The trench is cleaned to accept the drainage system and gravel.
Drain tile is installed
The Drain tile is installed along with the wall membrane and the sump system.
Caulking to prevent Radon gasses from escaping
The top of the drainage flange has been caulked to prevent Radon gasses from coming up from the ground below the floor slab.
Gravel is added ove r the drain tile.
gravel is added because it is a good drainage medium to allow water to get into our system
Floor rec-concreted
After the inspection by the city of Hamilton for the work permit, the floor can be restored with new concrete,